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Physiotherapy .webp


Reduce Pain, Restore Function

Low back pain is now the leading cause of disability worldwide. People with physically demanding jobs, physical and mental illness, smokers, and obese individuals are at the greatest risk of reporting low back pain. Physiotherapy can help to relieve symptoms and return you back to functionality. Treatments will include a range of modalities and a tailored exercised plan.



Maintain Independence

Ageing can decrease our mobility and weaken our muscles. As a result this can potentially increase the risks of falls and declined health in the elderly population. Physiotherapy can help to prevent falls, improve mobility and increase confidence, allowing prolonged independence in your own environment. I provide appointments at your home or care home facility.

An initial assessment is required to establish the frequency and number of sessions needed.

Sessions are fun, physically interactive and educational on balance control.



Improve Mobility

Acute or chronic joint pain from  a trip, fall or sporting injury can be very debilitating. Seeking treatment in the early stages can prevent the later onset of arthritis and further disability. The management of an arthritic joint is essential to increase mobility and strength and allow better control of symptoms.

Pilates Work Out .webp


Holistic Rehabilitation

Clinical Pilates is a fast growing industry. Its methods are used to strengthen our core muscles to promote a more even balance of movement. This prevents injuries from serious strains, pulls and tears on our joints. GP's actively prescribe Pilates for sub-acute and chronic back pain. Today many famous athletes and Sporting celebrities have incorporated pilates into their training regime. 

Please click below for more information.



Restore Function

Helping you through post surgical rehabilitation for Knee, Hip or Shoulder replacements. Exercises and treatments are individually tailored to compliment each stage of your rehab journey. Please get in touch to schedule an initial consultation. You will need your consultant discharge report and a summary of any recent MRI scans or x-rays.

Brain Sketch.webp


Maintain Functionality

Post Stroke rehabilitation. Multiple Sclerosis management.

Learn mobility techniques for neurological conditions to prevent falls and disease progression from lack of mobility. Once diagnosis has been confirmed it is important to embark on a daily functional exercise plan to help maintain independence and safety. 

An initial assessment will be required to establish frequency and number of sessions needed. 

Please email or call to discuss. Home visits available.


Pilates Rehabilitation
Personal Training
Elderly Falls Prevention
Joint Mobilisation
Sports Massage
Post-Operative Therapy/Rehabilitation

Choose Your Pricing Plan

  • Silver Membership

    Short-term trial for beginners
    Valid for one month
    • I'm a benefit
    • I'm a benefit
    • I'm a benefit
  • Best Value

    Gold Membership

    Every month
    Ideal for advanced trainers
    Valid for 12 months
    • I'm a benefit
    • I'm a benefit
    • I'm a benefit
    • I'm a benefit
  • Platinum Membership

    Every month
    Perfect for committed trainers
    • I'm a benefit
    • I'm a benefit
    • I'm a benefit
    • I'm a benefit
    • I'm a benefit


  • Initial Consultation £60​

  • Follow Up Appointments  £50

Physiotherapy @Home

  • Initial Assessment £70​

  • Follow Up Appointments £60

Discounts available for prepaid sessions

Barbell and Kettlebell Weights.webp

Personal Training
Packages include:

  • Workout Session

  • Progressive Exercise Plan

  • Diet Plan

  • Text Support Mon-Sat 8 am - 7 pm


  • Bronze - 6 x Sessions = £240​

  • Silver - 8 Sessions = £320​

  • Gold - 10 Sessions = £400

Acupuncture Offer.webp
Pilates Prices.webp
Medical Insurance

  Physiotherapy services are recognised by the listed below Private Health Insurance companies

Please check with your policy with your provider to gain an authorisation code.

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